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Konferensen Civil Society Activism for Sustainable Cities 12 december

Konferensen Civil Society Activism for Sustainable Cities. Urban community work in Stockholm, Johannesburg, New York and Paris hålls i Fittja den 12 december.

Konferensen hålls på engelska. Att delta kostar ingenting. 

A Unesco-MOST workshop in cooperation with REMESO, Linköping University, Arena Idé, IMER-Research Association and Unesco-LUCS



9.30 Coffee and registration

10.00–10.15 WelcomeKenneth Abrahamson, Unesco-MOST and Leif Magnusson, MKC

10.15–10.30 Presentation of the programRené León Rosales, Swedish IMER-Research Association and Aleksandra Ålund, Unesco-MOST and REMESO, Linkoping University.

10.30–12.00 Presentation of Arena Idé commissioned report on community work, activism and legal strategies in New York. Relevance for Swedish community work and civil society.  Rami Al-Khamisi, law student and founder of  Megafonen, Stockholm, Sweden.Discussion in Swedish with English translation. Moderator: Lisa Pelling, Chief Analyst at Arena Idé. Discussants: Paul Lappalainen, Swedish-American lawyer/Former head of a government inquiry on structural discrimination, and Ignacio Vita, Asylum right lawyer, and Emma Dominguez, recreation leader and activist, Alby.

12.00–13.00 Lunch

13.00–14.30 Urban community work in transcontinental perspective1. Aline Mugisho, African Diaspora Forum (Johannesburg) and PhD student, the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy2. Franco Lollia, La Brigade Anti Negrophobie, Paris, France3. Carl Williams, Staff Attorney – ACLU-Massachusetts

14.30–15.00 Coffee break

15.00–16.00 Panel. Civic activism for sustainable citiesAline Mugisho, Franco Lollia, Carl Williams and Rami Al-Khamisi in discussion with Paul Lappalainen, Swedish-American lawyer/Former head of a government inquiry on structural discrimination, Ove Sernhede, Professor, Gothenburg University, Samuel Kangethe Ngigi, Mano group, Dandora/NairobiModerator: Carl-Ulrik Schierup, professor, REMESO, Linkoping University

16.00 Summing up and final commentsRené León Rosales & Aleksandra Ålund

16.15 Networking opportunity


Presentation av deltagarna

Aline Mugisho: Migration, Diaspora Movements and the Politics of Mobilization in Post-Apartheid South Africa.The presentation focus on migrants mobilisation for rights in South Africa and various related struggles. Aline Mugisho will speak about the challenges migrants experience at various levels and the strategies (informal or formal) that they develop to survive in a very volatile environment while fighting for access to rights.

Carl WIlliams: The Struggle for Black Liberation v. the Law in the US.The law in the US has been seen as ever progressing towards more and more freedom for the people. However, is this the case? Are there evolving systems of control that are at play. Slavery, ”Jim Crow”, mass incarceration, the school-to-prison pipeline, the war on drugs, mandatory minimums … are these just different incarnations of an always existing system of racial control. And what does this mean for human rights supports, civil rights activists, and others working towards liberation?

Franco Lollia: The Autopsy of Negrophobia (Negrofobins obduktion)Lollia Franco will give a broad definition of the concept of Negrophobia (Négrophobie) as it is conceptualized in France, and explain how it can be seen as a weapon for mass destruction, active in the creation of neocolonial alienation and marginalization. Lollia Franco will also describe the methods and tools that the Brigade anti-négrophobie is using today in order to highlight Negrophobias effects in the French society, and demanding change.

Rami Al-Khamisi, Megafonen Stockholm:Kan juridiken användas för progressiv samhällsförändring? Vilken roll kan juridiken spela för att stärka människors situation, civilsamhället och utmana rådande samhällsstrukturer? På vilket sätt kan sociala rörelser interagera med progressiva jurister för att uppnå viktiga sociala och politiska mål?


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